Q: What effect does marijuana have on epilepsy?
A: The experimental type of treatment based on taking THC (tetra-hydrocannabiol) has a sedative effect, relaxes the muscles. It reduces the CAMP level (cyclic adenosine monophosphate), a mediator of the signals of certain hormones that are unable to pass the cell membrane (e.g., adrenaline) thus reducing the stress. This is very important for patients with epilepsy. […]
Read more...Q: Is marijuana really capable of treating cancer?
A: By itself, of course, it is not capable, but it really helps as an auxiliary drug during chemotherapy. Today, there is a lot of scientific studies that clearly demonstrate how the CBD can prevent the emergence of new cancer cells, and moreover, destroy the existing ones. You can learn more about this by reviewing our […]
Read more...Q: Is it true that after using marijuana you will replace it by other drugs?
A: Is it true that after climbing the stairs, you will replace it by climbing Everest? After all, everyone who ascended to Everest had began by climbing the stairs. However, this is surely a false interconnection, because far from everyone who tried to climb the stairs went on to conquer Everest later. The same is in […]
Read more...Q: Does cannabis inhibit the development of mental disorders or, vice versa, can cannabis develop it?
A: Cannabis is a rather individual thing. And mental disorders are also quite individual things. The brain is an incredibly complex machine. This is not a stomach, where everything is trite and predictable. Cannabis makes some people cheerful, loads down others, and it makes paranoid still others. Others have got schizophrenia, others have got epilepsy, others […]
Read more...Q: Can depersonalization and derealization begin after using marijuana?
A: There is no unequivocal answer to this question, because everything in this world is too relative. We are all different, and this or that surfactant can affect everyone in very different ways. Besides, it depends on a whole chain of factors, such as the percentage of THC in the finished product, the grade, quantity, and, […]
Read more...Q: What is more harmful, marijuana or alcohol? Why?
A: To begin with, it is necessary to say that we do not consider alcohol harmful – it is not alcohol that kills, but its quantity. And this applies to everything: not food leads to obesity, but food amount. And in this factor, of course, alcohol is much more harmful, because, unlike marijuana, it leads to […]