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Legalization card
Hot debates concerning marijuana legalization and decriminalization are raging all over the world, and, bending under the weight of cannabis harmlessness evidence, dozens of countries have softened their laws. And today the legalization process covers larger and larger areas of the globe.
In 2013, Uruguay became the first country to legalize marijuana cultivation, sale and use. The positive results of this measure surpassed even the wildest expectations, having annihilated all the skeptics. Canada took up the lead of Uruguay in 2018. And today, it is safe to say that in the next decade the list of these countries would expand significantly.
At the moment, hemp has different legal status in different countries – from a total ban to a complete legalization or permission to grow a certain amount, or acquire small doses for personal recreational or medical use.
We have compiled a detailed table of cannabis legalization in the world for you, so that when going on vacation to any country, you would always know what you can do with cannabis, and what is better to refrain from.
The section is under construction.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
In 2009, the Supreme Court of Argentina excluded the section on cannabis storage from the criminal list, thus allowing smoking marijuana "in small quantities" in private places. Cultivation and use of hemp for medical and research purposes were allowed in Argentina since October, 2017.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
In 2016, an amendment to the Australian Bill on Narcotic Drugs entered into force. According to this amendment, people or organizations in Australia may apply for a license to cultivate cannabis for medical purposes. Thus, thanks to the legislation amendment, patients get access to medicine, while previously they could get ot only abroad. Concerning the recreational use of marijuana, the laws in this regard vary depending on the state. In the Australian Capital Territory a fine of 100 Australian dollars can be inflicted for storing up to 25 grams of hemp. In Western Australia, people caught with 10 grams of hemp are sent to psychologists for consultation. At the same time, in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania, possession and use of cannabis is considered a criminal offense, but those responsible usually are not sent to prison, but for study or treatment.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
In spite of the fact that the purchase, sale or production of marijuana for non-medicinal purposes is illegal, cannabis use at home is not prosecuted since 2016. The Austrian Law "On Drugs" adopted back in 1998 separates drug manufacturers and those who use drugs because of health problems. The punishment depends on which group the offender a peson belongs to.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (up to 3 g)
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Decriminalized (1 bush)
In 1998, Belgium adopted a law saying that marijuana would be a weak drug, and since 2003, local residents were allowed to carry up to three grams of cannabis and grow one bush. Marijuana is allowed to be smoked at home or in a car.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (up to 10 g)
- Medical: Prohibited
- Cultivation: Prohibited
In 2017, the Drug Abuse Act in the country was amended to allow smoking marijuana in a private home upon the owner permission. Max. 10 grams of substance is permissible to have in public places.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (up to 7 g)
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
There had been a decree of the Supreme Court saying that the medical use of cannabis would be allowed on the Islands from November 2016, but only two doctors have a license to prescribe such drugs. Since December 2017, the personal use of cannabis is allowed, but not more than seven grams!
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
Marijuana is prohibited in Brazil, but there is no risk of imprisonment for keeping it. In 2006, a law of alternative punishment was adopted in the country.
- Recreational: Legalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Legalized
Canada has become the second country in the world and the first country of the G-7 to completely legalize cannabis for recreational use. Starting in 2018, all Canadian citizens over 18 years old are allowed to buy, sell, store, and even grow marijuana at home. Though, there is a reservation: one may store up to 30 grams, and grow max. four hemp bushes.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
In February 2005, the Chilean authorities decriminalized the personal use of marijuana in private situations. Since 2015, marijuana has been legalized for medical purposes.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (22 g)
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Decriminalized (20 bushes)
In August 2015, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos personally authorized to store up to 20 grams of cannabis and grow up to 20 bushes for personal use. In December of the same year, he allowed to grow and use marijuana for medical and scientific purposes. However, there is no discussion about full legalization of cannabis in the country.
Costa Rica
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Prohibited
- Cultivation: Decriminalized
The personal use of cannabis is prosecuted neither criminally nor administratively. Sale and cultivation in large volumes is prohibited, but there are no boundaries of these volumes in the scope of law, and this is the reason why the law is regarded as a formality by many people.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
Marijuana is permitted for personal use and in medicine when treating serious diseases. The use of marijuana by minors is considered an administrative crime for which a fine is imposed in the amount of $ 800 to $ 3,500 (depending on the situation).
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Partially legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
Cyprus is famous for the extremely harsh legislation on marijuana. Thus, up to life imprisonment punishment is provided just for use of marijuana. In January 2017, the use of medical cannabis was legalized in Cyprus, but only for the last stage cancer patients.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (10 g)
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Decriminalized (5 bushes)
January 1, 2010 an order of the government which regulates the "a small amount of drugs" storage came into force in the Czech Republic. Since that time, one can carry up to 15 grams of marijuana in the country, but since 2014 the volume has been reduced down to 10 grams. The government also considers cultivation of five cannabis bushes to misdemeanors rather than a criminal offense. From April 1, 2013 it has been allowed to sell marijuana in pharmacies by prescription in the Czech Republic.
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
In 2011, the Danish Medical Agency approved three varieties of medical cannabis, which are allowed to be used by patients with cancer or multiple sclerosis. Recreational use and sale of cannabis are legal only in the self-proclaimed autonomous community of Copenhagen known as Christiania.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (10 g)
- Medical: Prohibited
- Cultivation: Prohibited
It is allowed to store max. 10 grams of hemp for personal consumption in the country. In 2014, the country refused to legalize marijuana, citing the fact that the government currently has more significant agenda issues.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (7 g)
- Medical: Partially legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
Seven grams of marijuana are considered the norm for personal use. Exceeding this norm is punishable by up to five years of inprisonment. The production of medical marijuana is prohibited in Estonia, but with a special permit, the use of marijuana-based medicine imported from other countries is permitted.
- Recreational: Partially decriminalized (15 g)
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
The presence of hemp in amount of 15 grams is considered as personal use and incurs a fine. Though the use of marijuana in medicine is permitted, but it is rarely used (on average, medical marijuana is prescribed to several hundreds of people a year).
- Recreational: Partially legalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Partially legalized
Georgia could be called the third country in the world that went through the complete legalization of marijuana, but... From 2018, marijuana has been legalized for all purposes except sales (and, consequently, cultivation for sale). On July 30, 2018, the Constitutional Court of Georgia held that "The use of marijuana is an act protected by the right to personal freedom" and "Responsibility for the use of marijuana does not entail dangerous consequences for the public". The government legalized the use and storage of cannabis in Georgia, but retained the sanctions for its growing and selling. Activities that remain illegal as well include social use and use in the presence of children.
- Recreational: Partially decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
According to the country laws, the German police do not pursue citizens for possession of "insignificant amount" of cannabis bought for personal use. However, police may obstruct people for smoking marijuana in public places or in the presence of children. In most cases, storage of less than 5 grams is not pursued. In May 2016, the Government of Germany supported the bill on the medical marijuana legalization. The bill was adopted in 2017. Hermann Gröhe, German Health Minister, said that hemp can be taken by seriously ill patients who have not been helped by other methods of treatment. Growing cannabis is carried out at the Federal Institute of Drugs and Medical Products, and it is sold in pharmacies under prescription as part of health insurance.
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
In 2017, marijuana was legalized for medical use, and since March 2018, cultivation and production for medicine have been allowed.
- Recreational: Partially decriminalized
- Medical: Prohibited
- Cultivation: Partially decriminalized
It is prohibited both the cultivation and storage of hemp at the federal level in India. However, in some states, the cultivation, possession and use of marijuana is not punishable by law, namely: in the state of Bihar, Uttarakhand, in West Bengal, Gujarat and the northeastern states of the country.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
Since 1994, it has been allowed in Israel to use marijuana with a doctor’s permission for people suffering from cancer, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, chronic pain or post-traumatic stress disorder. The production of medical marijuana is under the strict control of the government. From April 1, 2019, marijuana will be subject to decriminalization for personal use.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (5 g)
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
Keeping a small amount for personal use is a misdemeanor, subject to a fine and suspension of the documents validity (i.e., driver's license). Sales and cultivation, even in small quantities, are punishable by imprisonment. Licensed cultivation for medicinal and industrial use is strictly regulated.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Legalized
Marijuana was outlawed for a long time in Jamaica, although it is closely connected with the island culture. In February 2015, a law came into force in the country that allows you to carry as much as 56 grams of cannabis, as well as grow up to five bushes for personal use. In 2015, cannabis became legal for use in medicine.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
Personal possession was decriminalized in 2001, but in spite of this, the use still imposes a fine of 250 to 2500 Euro. Besides, there are strict laws on the use of marijuana by minors.
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
The use of marijuana by prescription for medical purposes is allowed from 2016.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (3.5 g)
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
In 2015, the Malta authorities excluded possession of a small amount of marijuana from the list of criminal offenses. The police will not prosecute those who were caught with 3.5 grams of cannabis, but this is still considered a violation for which a fine of 50 to 100 Euros is possible. Since March 2018 medical hemp has been legalized.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Legalized
In 2009, Mexican President Felipe Calderon signed a law allowing to store and transport up to five grams of marijuana. Medical marijuana was legalized in June 2017, but oils and tablets should contain less than 1% of the substance. On October 31, 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that the law prohibiting the use of cannabis for recreational purposes had been unconstitutional. The ruling obliged the Mexican government to officially legalize cannabis over the next months by the spring of 2019.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Prohibited
- Cultivation: Prohibited
The mere use of marijuana is not a crime in the Republic of Moldova, but is an administrative offense in accordance with Article 85 of the Administrative Offenses Code adopted in 2008. Illegal purchase or possession of marijuana, as well as its use without a doctor's prescription, is punishable by a fine of up to three conventional units or by community service for up to 40 hours.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (30 g)
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Legalized (5 bushes)
Despite the widespread opinion that marijuana is legalized in the Netherlands, in fact its keeping, production or sale are illegal. However, for keeping up to 30 grams of cannabis, only administrative punishment is threatened, that is a fine. There is no speech discussion about full legalization, although this topic has been discussed in Holland since the late 1970s. There are coffee shops that have official permission to sell marijuana in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, and about 100 other cities in the Netherlands. People over 18 can buy up to five grams of cannabis every day in coffee shops. Buying marijuana on the street is illegal.
New Zealand
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
Since December 2018, there has been adopted a law allowing the terminally ill patients have the right to use medical marijuana as an anesthetic and for prophylaxis. In the general election of 2020, a referendum is planned to decriminalize the use of cannabis for personal purposes.
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
Personal use up to 15 g is punishable by fine and, in case of recurrence of the offender, conviction; after the second offense the person is punished more severely. In March 2018, the government created a working group with the mandate to decriminalize marijuana use. The group will provide its recommendation on decriminalization by December 31, 2019.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (10 g)
- Medical: Prohibited
- Cultivation: Prohibited
In 1988, the Paraguay authorities allowed to keep up to 10 grams of cannabis for personal use. Despite the fact that Paraguay is one of the largest importers of illegal cannabis, the issue of legalization, or at least the medical use of marijuana, is not raised at the government level.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (8 g)
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
The marijuana possession up to 8 grams is considered to be for personal use and is not punished, but the law is very harsh on cultivation, production or sale, and implies imprisonment for 8 to 15 years. In 2017, the Presidential Administration announced a plan to legalize medical cannabis in Peru. This announcement followed a scandalous police raid in Lima, during which the police caaried out an operation to eliminate the cannabis medicine production for 80 people whose children suffered from epilepsy and other diseases. The public outcry against this background has forced Peru's Congress to legalize cannabis oil for medical use.
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
Since November, 2017 medical hemp has been allowed in Poland. The punishment for recreational use of marijuana depends on the prosecutor's decision: if the offense is committed for the first time, the prosecutor may refuse to prosecute.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (25 g)
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Legalized
Since July 1, 2001, criminal punishment for possession of any drugs from "weed" to heroin was abolished in Portugal in cases they are used for personal purposes. The police does not detain people for keeping up to 25 grams of marijuana, but gives them a warning or sends them to the so-called "explanatory commissions" that consist of legal and social experts, as well as psychologists. Regardless of loyalty to marijuana, its medical use was allowed only in 2018.
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Partially legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
In 2013, there was adopted a limited medical law which allows using only derived plants with a THC content of less than 0.2%.
- Recreational: Partially decriminalized (6 g)
- Medical: Prohibited
- Cultivation: Decriminalized (20 bushes)
The possession of marijuana weighing up to six grams will lead to an administrative fine, or imprisonment for up to 15 days. Foreign people caught with a similar amount of marijuana are subject to deportation. Sowing and cultivating less than 20 bushes is also punishable by a fine.
San Marino
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
Since 2016, in the country it is allowed to prescribe cannabis-based drugs for patients suffering from pain caused by multiple sclerosis or bone marrow diseases.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Legalized
Keeping a small amount of marijuana is not considered a crime, but is punishable by a fine or five-day imprisonment. In 2013, there was adopted a limited medical law which allows using only derived plants with a THC content of less than 0.2%.
South Africa
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Legalized
On September 18, 2018, the Constitutional Court of South Africa canceled criminal responsibility for the cannabis use and cultivation for personal purpose.
South Korea
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
The use of medical cannabis was legalized in November, 2018. Despite the reform, recreational cannabis remains strictly prohibited. A violation is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years, or a fine of up to 50 million won, which is about $ 44,000. Moreover, the citizens of South Korea are subject to the penal code of their country, wherever they are.
- Recreational: Decriminalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Legalized
All actions related to cannabis, with the exception of sale or trade, are not considered criminal offenses. Use or possession in private premises are allowed, while use in public places would lead to heavy fines. Keeping a very large amount of marijuana is considered as equivalent to selling.
Sri Lanka
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Partially legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
It is prohibited any use of hemp on the island, even in medical purpose. The ban does not apply only to supporters of alternative Indian medicine known as Ayurveda. Ayurvedic Drugs Corporation company is the only legitimate source of cannabis on the island - cannabis seized from offenders during police raids is shipped there.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (10 g)
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
Since 2012, keeping of cannabis in amounts up to ten grams is not a criminal offense, but is subject to 100 Swiss francs fine. Though medical hemp in the country is legalized, its turnover is strictly limited, and it is almost impossible to obtain permission to use it. So, nowadays only one cannabis-based drug is approved in Switzerland, and only two pharmacies in the whole country are licensed to sell it to patients with serious and incurable diseases.
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Prohibited
In spite of the fact that cannabis in Thailand is officially banned, the police often turn a blind eye to offenses of this nature; moreover, cannabis is often quite openly sold in local bars and clubs. Medical cannabis was approved by Parliament on December 26, 2018, making Thailand the first country in Southeast Asia to use cannabis for medical purposes.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Partially legalized
- Cultivation: Legalized
Medical use of cannabis was legalized in the UK on November 1, 2018 after two cases of successful treatment of children with epilepsy had become known to the public. Treatment by hemp has helped to significantly reduce the number of seizures in 12-year-old Billy Caldwell and 6-year-old Alfie Dingley. However, despite the positive results achieved during treatment, in accordance with British law, their parents were prohibited from further use of cannabis. This caused a large public outcry, especially in the Billy Caldwell case, who was hospitalized with life-threatening seizures after his drugs were confiscated by the authorities. Under public pressure, the authorities had to step back, and medical cannabis was legalized in the UK in November, 2018. However, it is allowed to prescribe it to patients only in some cases of severe epilepsy, as well as during the chemotherapy treatment.
- Recreational: Partially legalized
- Medical: Partially legalized
- Cultivation: Partially legalized
Marijuana is illegal at the federal level, but many states have legalized its use. By the beginning of 2019, it is allowed to use marijuana for medicinal purposes in the following US states: - Hawaiian Islands; - Arizona; - Montana; - New Mexico; - Missouri; - Utah; - North Dakota; - Minnesota; - Illinois; - Arkansas; - Oklahoma; - Louisiana; - Florida; - Ohio; - West Virginia; - Pennsylvania; - New York; - Connecticut; - New Hampshire; - Rhode Island. By January 1, 2019, the following US states and territories have completely legalized both medical and recreational use of cannabis: - Washington; - Oregon; - California; - Nevada; - Alaska; - Colorado; - Michigan; - Maine; - Vermont; - Massachusetts. At the same time, according to federal law, marijuana is among the prohibited substances. Thus, the use of marijuana is prohibited in those states and territories of the United States where laws on legalization have not yet been adopted.
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
In 2016, there was adopted a law authorizing the use of sublingual cannabinoid preparations for use under a doctor’s prescription. At the same time it was also allowed to cultivate cannabis for medical and scientific purposes.
- Recreational: Decriminalized (5 g)
- Medical: Prohibited
- Cultivation: Decriminalized (10 bushes)
The limit on the marijuana possession for personal use is 5 grams of substance. Cultivation of up to 10 cannabis bushes is qualified as an administrative violation and is punishable by a fine of up to 1,700 hryvnia.
- Recreational: Legalized
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: Legalized
In 2013, Uruguay became the first country to legalize the cultivation, sale and use of marijuana, trying to take away business from criminals. After registering in the national database, every adult resident of Uruguay can legally buy up to 40 grams of marijuana a month. Registered companies are engaged in cultivating the plant, and it goes on sale to pharmacies having a special license. Regardless of full legalization, marijuana is forbidden to sell to foreigners.
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
On September 20, 2018, the Council of Ministers of the Government issued a decree authorizing the creation of enterprises for medical and industrial cannabis production. Since that time, the Vanuatu National Health Care System announced the beginning of a clinical tests of drugs based on cannabis for the diabetes treatment.
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Prohibited
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
Zambia is the first country in the world that allowed the cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes, but directly medical cannabis has not been allowed there. The Dark Continent never fails to amaze us. The law came into force in March, 2017, but there has not been issued a single license for cannabis cultivation up to date.
- Recreational: Prohibited
- Medical: Legalized
- Cultivation: For medical purpose
On April 27, 2018, Zimbabwe became the second African country to allow medical use of cannabis. Since then, Zimbabweans are allowed to "apply for licenses to grow cannabis specifically for medical and research purposes".