In Ukraine, the court acquitted a man for the first time for growing marijuana

In Nikolaev region Voznesensky court fully justified Vitaly Rumyantsev who grew marijuana for medicinal purposes. This was reported in the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union.

Rumyantsev, despite his first-degree disability, was judged for two years. A man could sentences for seven years of imprisonment, but human rights activists intervened in time. It turned out that the man was smoking marijuana to relieve joint pain, and a year and a half ago he planted hemp on his property. It was Rumyantsev’s neighbor who wrote a report on him.

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“On December 17, 2019 the Voznesensky Court fully acquitted Vitaly Rumyantsev. The court declared the evidence inadmissible, and the fact of cultivation of 18 bushes is unproven. The court also agreed with the argument of human rights defenders about the violated right to protection” – said members of the Helsinki Union.

It should be noted that Rumyantsev denied the guilt and tried to draw attention to the bill on legalizing medical cannabis with his own business. Hundreds of patients with the same pain syndrome are seeking the right to be treated with marijuana.

Recall that there recently was an action of supporters of “legalization” in Kiev – the decriminalization of marijuana use for medical purposes.