Marijuana causes apathy, makes people passive, indifferent and disinterested in their future.

Opponents of cannabis often claim that constant long-time use of marijuana would kill motivation and lead you to sponge on the parents.

A study by a Marijuana Policy Project activist group showed a list of 50 incredibly successful people who admitted to using marijuana, which completely refutes the popular myth of a lazy smoker. President Obama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Branson and Soros can hardly be called lazy or loafers. Not to mention the athletes – many of them do not consider life without marijuana. These are either great Olympians, or great champions, who spend their whole lives in grueling workouts with inhuman loads. Don’t you think the apathy or laziness cannot be inherent part of such kinds of activity?

In fact, each person is individual, and therefore, hemp has an individual effect on everyone. If a person is lazy, then hardly he will run a hundred meters after using cannabis. But if a person is initially motivated, agile and dynamic, then cannabis can hardly demotivate him for training, which, in fact, is shown by many eminent athletes!