
For almost a century of information campaign against cannabis, a lot of myths and legends has been dedicated to this plant in the society. Most of these myths, of course, are not true! In this section, we will clearly indicate the typical errors that have been existing in society.

Myth: “Marijuana leads to addiction.”

Fact: Fact: When they say about addictions, psychological and physiological addictions are emphasized. Physiological addiction occurs when a narcotic substance reorganizes processes in the body so that it becomes difficult (or impossible) to live without it. A typical example is morphine, which, like other opiates, replaces endorphin production and withdrawal syndrome begins in a person without opiates.


Myth: “Smoking marijuana leads to heavier drugs.”

Fact: Opponents of legalizing marijuana, even if they agree that its harm is microscopic, insist that the use of marijuana is the gateway to the world of hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine, as well as various psychedelics and hallucinogens. This myth is cultivated on the basis of the fact that almost all drug addicts used […]


Myth: “Hemp is smoked, just like tobacco, which means it is no less harmful!”

Fact: Cigarettes cause the death of nearly half a million Americans every year, so it seems a natural assumption that marijuana smoke breathed into the lungs leads to serious harm to the body, as tobacco does. But this hypothesis could not stand the verification by science. Studies have shown that marijuana and tobacco smoke contains many […]


Myth: “Hemp is of no scientific value.”

Fact: It is absolutely ignorant mistaken belief. On our web-site you will be able to find hundreds (!) of scientific articles proving the inestimable importance of using cannabis in treating/relieving symptoms of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, HIV, epilepsy, and many others. For more information see “Top 20 diseases in the prevention and […]


Myth: “Marijuana kills brain cells.”

Fact: Opponents of marijuana claim that the use of marijuana causes persistent violations of the brain structure and functions and leads to memory loss, cognitive impairment, personality disorders and decreased performance. None of the medical tests currently used to detect brain damage in humans, has found harm from marijuana, even with its long-term use in high […]


Myth: “Marijuana can lead to insanity”

Fact: This is true, but only in part: excessive use of marijuana can lead to a relapse or exacerbation of existing mental disorders. So if the word “schizophrenia” is paved with formidable letters in a medical card, then one better suspend use of cannabis. Everyone else has absolutely nothing to fear. Moreover, the researchers have found […]


Myth: Marijuana causes apathy, makes people passive, indifferent and disinterested in their future.

Fact: Opponents of cannabis often claim that constant long-time use of marijuana would kill motivation and lead you to sponge on the parents. A study by a Marijuana Policy Project activist group showed a list of 50 incredibly successful people who admitted to using marijuana, which completely refutes the popular myth of a lazy smoker. President […]


Myth: “Marijuana instigates people to a crime”

Fact: It is the most ridiculous of the existing statements. This is the most cynical lie that you can imagine. The roots of this lie go back to the 1930s, when during the public relations campaign to demonize cannabis, Harry Aslinger (lobbying the interests of a number of corporations interested in banning cannabis) began to match […]


Myth: “The use of cannabis causes loss of memory, general decrease in intelligence and logical abilities.”

Fact: This is one more myth that includes elements of truth. Laboratory tests have shown that cannabis impairs the short-term memory activity, but only for that period of time while a person is under its influence. A person who uses cannabis can easily remember things that he knew before, and problems can arise only if he […]


Myth: “Legalizing marijuana will increase traffic accidents”

Fact: It is believed that the use of marijuana is a serious cause of accidents, as marijuana causes psychomotor disturbance and reduces the driving ability. This statement can neither be confirmed nor refuted. Research data contradict each other. For example, a study conducted in 2016 by the Road Safety Institute has shown that the real number […]